9:00 h. Registration reception.
9:30 h. Inauguration of the Congress in the "Salón de Actos del Edificio Instituto Confucio", with the presence of authorities and performance by the University of León Orchestra.
10:30 h. Coffee breakAuthorities invited:
- Mr. Juan Francisco Marín. His Excellency and Magnificent Mr. Rector of the University of León.
- Mr. José Antonio Díez. His Excellency Mr. Mayor of León.
- Mr. Roberto Baelo Alvarez. His Excellency Mr. Vice-Rector for Internationalization of the University of León.
- Mr. Matthew Dean. President of the Organizing Committee.
- Mrs. Lilianet Brintrup Hertling. Vice President of the Organizing Committee.
- Dr. Carmen Bustos-Works (Associate Vice President of Academic Programs and the Dean of Undergraduate and Graduate Programs).
- Dr. Rosamel Benavides-Garb (Interim Associate Vice President, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion).
- Mrs. Silvia Barona Vilar. President of the Alexander Von Humboldt Association of Spain.
11:00 h. Session I. Alexander von Humbodlt. Part 1
12:40 h. Lunch break (free)
- Samuel Hernández López. Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades UNAM, México.
The political/hegemonic implications of the scientific voyage: Humboldt in New Spain.- Juan Carlos Gómez Rojas. Colegio de Geografía FFyL-UNAM, México.
Alexander von Humboldt: first modern explorer of Spanish America.- Norberto Muñiz Martínez. Universidad de León, España.
The multi-data graphic maps of Humboldt's scientific voyages as a precedent for modern mapping of socio-ecological systems.- Thomas Nehrlich. Universidad de Berna, Suiza.
Open access to Humboldt. The digital edition of his Complete Writings.
14:15 h. Session I. Alexander von Humbodlt. Part 2
15:40 h. Session I. Alexander von Humbodlt. Part 3
- Martha García. University of Central Florida, Estados Unidos.
Polymathy and epistemology in Alexander von Humboldt's epistolary seal in correspondence with the pictorial work "Landscape of Catalonia".- Josefina Gómez Mendoza. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España.
From one discoverer to another. Humboldt's history of the geography of the New Continent.- Katia G. Karadjova-Kozhuharova. Georgia Southern University, Estados Unidos.
A Scholar’s Journey into Alexander Von Humboldt in Bulgaria.
16:55 h. Coffee break
- Lilianet Brintrup Hertling. Cal Poly Humboldt, Estados Unidos.
Happy meeting: Benjamín Vicuña McKenna and Alexander von Humboldt.- Valentín Carrera González. Director de la Biblioteca Enrique Gil.
Enrique Gil's meeting with Humboldt.- José Jordán Soria. Universidad de Valencia, España.
A brief discussion of von Humboldt’s figure as pioneer in the rock varnish research, a Mars connection?
17:30 h. Session I. Alexander von Humbodlt. Part 4
- María Consuelo Morán Astorga. Universidad de León, España.
Alexander von Humboldt: Psychological Characteristics and Influence on Scientific Psychology.- Irina Sigrid Buche. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Alemania.
With Theory and Method after Humboldt in Mexico: The Curiosity of the Researcher.- Carlos Luis Pérez Aguirre. Instituto de Educación Secundaria Claudio Sánchez Albornoz, León, España.
Interdisciplinary treatment of the figure of Alexander von Humboldt: The real case of several activities for secondary school students. Case of several activities for secondary school students.